I love food! And my passion for it combines perfectly with video.

I create settings for food shots and table top. Also I will be hands-on in food styling and developing ideas for creating the best possible picture for the product. My background in editing and animation allows me to think more complexly than just what I see in front of me.

Baiser Ballet

My latest creative work with Studio Marille is a food poem inspired by the prima ballerina Anna Pawlowa.

We choose to shoot and use stock footage to tell the story of this absolute enchanting classic desert.

Its a visual love letter to one of my favourite art period: the old dutch masters.

This work for Studio Marille was a new colourful campaign for ALDI Süd. Sooo much fun!

Looking into the beauty and truth behind Aphrodisiacs with Studio Marille.

The magic of props and the art of arranging things with Studio Marille.
